"DESCRIPTION 1"="Windows 2000 displays an "Places Bar" on the left side of the default Open/Save dialog."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="You can add your own folders to this bar for quick access. Simply enter the exact path for each item you want to have appear."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="Paths with Environment Variables are also valid, for example "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop" which will default to your Desktop directory."
"DESCRIPTION 4"="NOTE: If you define ANY item here, you will lose the default shortcuts inside the places bar (e.g. Desktop). To restore this default look, clear all fields."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"="Setting detected by manish jain [emmjanex@hotmail.com]. Thanks!"
"COMMENT 2"="No places bug detected by KEVIN3317!"